
Who We Are

Frigga’s Folk Kindred of Galveston County is a apolitical, tax exempt nonprofit Heathen religious organization incorporated in Texas to serve Galveston County and the Texas Gulf Coast. If it helps, you can think of us as a church. We do not discriminate against anyone and welcome all to understand our faith and ancestral folkway.

What We Believe

We believe that our Gods, Goddesses, Mankind, and the whole of Nature are one; there is no separation. Therefore, Life and Nature are good and should be nurtured and cherished. We strive to live in harmony with our Gods, Nature, and other human beings. We call this state Frith, where all can grow and contribute in a positive manner without fear. We believe that our Gods gave us gifts of Themselves; They are our Elder Kin. We believe that we are the sum total of our Ancestors and honor them frequently. We believe that our Ancestral Matronae (Desir) are with us and we can call on them for consolation. We believe that we are and must be held accountable for our words and deeds. Therefore, proper conduct between all men and all women is expected. We believe that words spoken during our Holy Rites will last a lifetime. We believe that living a good, positive, prosperous, and generous life is what our Gods and Ancestors expect us to do. We do not believe in a place of eternal torment but at death we will journey to the Halls of our Ancestors or the Halls of the Gods.

Full Moon, Galveston County

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